Restorative Justice within West Mercia Youth Justice Service (WMYJS)
Restorative approaches are an integral part of the Youth Justice approach to working with children and here in WMYJS we are committed to providing positive restorative practice interventions which benefit victims, children, families and the wider community.
Restorative approaches support children to develop a ‘pro-social’ identity, and to help them to make a positive contribution to their community. Identity is the way we think about ourselves and our place in the world. It is shaped by our experiences in life and affects the way we think and behave. Children can be supported to develop a pro-social identity by helping them to engage in constructive activities, to develop beneficial interactions with others and to understand the implications of their offending with appropriate support. The focus of reparative activity should be to help the child to move forward by understanding and learning from the impact of their actions on the victim and community.
Restorative justice is an approach which can take many forms and therefore be tailored to the individual’s ability, situation and circumstances. There should be a connection between the offence committed and the proposed activity and consideration of whether it should directly or indirectly involve the victim.
Restorative approaches support the child to find their own way of doing something for the victim or the community and therefore gain something positive from the process to encourage desistance and build a sense of community. Reparative activity should not be punitive, harmful or shaming and should be a safe process for all concerned.
WMYJS has a dedicated Restorative Justice team who provide support to victims and offer children the opportunity to engage with Restorative Practice interventions whether they have been referred to the Service through the Courts or directly by the Police as part of a diversionary approach.
Apart from letters of explanation, direct restorative meetings between the victim and the child who has caused the harm, in the last year the children working with WMYJS have completed over 2,300 hours of direct/indirect reparation to the community. Below are some examples of the work they have undertaken:
See More About the Work Undertaken in Herefordshire
Direct Reparation within Herefordshire

See More About the Work Undertaken in Telford
Restorative Justice week- Good news stories from YJS

See More About the Work Undertaken in Worcestershire
Restorative Justice Worcestershire – Successfully helping to directly repair harm.